Accompanying jobseekers

Armed with its driver, the Local Plan for Integration and Employment (PLIE) and with the local Clermont Métropole et Volcans mission, Clermont Auvergne Métropole gives its help, under certain conditions, to people living in the territory who need reinforced and individualized support in order to access employment.

The Local Employment Integration Plan (PLIE) of Clermont Auvergne Métropole

The PLIE is one of the tools of the Employment Integration Solidarity Department of Clermont Auvergne Métropole, and aims to:

  • Strengthen assistance to return to work
  • Facilitate the match between supply and demand
  • Encourage business creation
  • Allow access to qualifications

Le PLIE, for whom?

The PLIE is aimed at the inhabitants of the Clermont metropolitan area who need reinforced and individualized support for employment. Conditions:

  • Live in one of the 21 municipalities of the metropolis
  • Be over 26 years old
  • Be in one of these situations:
    – No professional activity for more than a year
    – A recipient of minimum social benefits (RSA, ASS, etc.)
    – A single parent
    – Live in one of the Priority Quarters of the Metropolis (Croix-de-Neyrat, Champratel, Les Vergnes, Saint-Jacques, Fontaine du Bac, Cournon Lac-Sud
    – Hold recognition of disabled worker status

Le PLIE, for what?

  • To carry out a socio-professional assessment with mutual commitment
  • To acquire job search techniques
  • To develop a pathway to integration into employment with a personalized advisor
  • To learn how to facilitate your employability
  • To have access to work assignments
  • To consolidate your integration into employment

Le PLIE, how does it work?

  • Step 1: Fill out an application form at your nearest PLIE office, or with your Pôle Emploi adviser, a social worker from a CCAS, the County Council, the CAF or an association working in the social field.
  • Step 2: send the application to the PLIE Clermont Auvergne metropolis
    – By post: 64-66 avenue of the Soviet Union 63000 Clermont-Ferrand
    – By email:
  • Step 3: completion of a socio-professional assessment
  • Step 4: Start the accompaniment


In one year, the PLIE supported 1,600 people and brought about a 56% of return to sustainable employment.

PLIE helpdesks in the Clermont-Ferrand metropolis

The PLIE has a helpdesk in public places in the 21 municipalities of the metropolis: town halls, CCAS, community centers, citizens’ advice bureaux, etc.

  • PLIE Agency in Clermont Auvergne Métropole
    64 Boulevard Léon-Jouhaux – Clermont Ferrand
    Tel. +33 (0)4 73 98 35 78
  • Helpdesks in the approved associations
    • INFA Auvergne : 107 avenue de la Libération – Clermont Ferrand
    • ADEF DE FACTO : 4 rue Lagarlaye – Clermont Ferrand
    • ASSOCIATION CHÔM’ACTIF : 33 rue de Vertaizon – Clermont Ferrand
    • INSERFAC : 27 rue Georges Besse – Clermont Ferrand
    • GROUPE JOB AGGLO : 3 rue Félix-Mézard – Clermont Ferrand
    • LA COURTE ECHELLE : 14 route d’Aulnat – Gerzat
    • DETOURS : 23 bis rue Varennes – Aubière
    • REGIE DES TERRITOIRES (DES 2 RIVES) : Maison des citoyens, 15 impasse des Dômes – Cournon d’Auvergne

The local Clermont Métropole et Volcans mission

The local Clermont Métropole et Volcans mission is the special contact for young people aged between 16 and 25 who are looking for a training course, a job or who are questioning their career path.

  • Get information and guidance: discover a profession, develop their career objectives, find out about the job market
  • Find help to find a job: improve their CV and letter of application, prepare for interviews, browse job offers
  • Get advice to find a training course: obtain a vocational qualification, opt for block release training (apprenticeship or professional training contract)
  • Be informed about all the aspects of everyday life: get information about my rights related to health, mobility, access to accommodation and leisure activities, be guided towards the various partner services (CPAM, social services, Pôle Emploi job center)

Contact : Local Mission – 64 Boulevard Léon Jouhaux 63028 Clermont-Ferrand . Tel. +33 (0)4 73 42 17 57 .